36 days of type


Ever since I got into design, I've had the itch to participate in the highly challenging 36 Days of Type challenge. This challenge, beloved and feared by designers worldwide, encourages participants to design and publish one character of a typeset every day for 36 consecutive days. In 2021, I finally decided to take the plunge.

For my approach, I chose to work in 3D, creating unique designs for each letter. I often incorporated playful references and wordplay based on popular culture. This allowed me to showcase my creativity and push the boundaries of my design abilities throughout the intense duration of the challenge.


A - Arcade / B -Barbershop / C - Construction / D - Drip / E - Elmo / F - Frankenstein / G - Game of Thrones /
H -
Honey / I - Ice / J - Jake the Dog / K - Kool-Aid / L - Lava Lamp / M - Mad Max / N - Neon / O - Owl / P - Piano /
Q -
Quiz Show / R - Roulette / S - Sculpt / T - Tardis / U - Uranium / V - Volume / W - Wild West / X - X-Files / Y - Yeti /
Z -
Zombie / 0 - Patient Zero / 1 - Xbox One / 2 - 2001: A Space Odyssey / 3 - 3 is the magic number / 4 - Connect Four /
​​​​​​​5 -
Cinco de Mayo / 6 - 666 / 7 - 7UP / 8 - 8mm / ​​​​​​​9 - 9 Planets

Clay Renders

Thumbnail Sketches